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At UdeC

I have been participating since I was an undergraduate student in different projects. My first contribution was collaboration in the Integrated Ocean Observing-Chile (CHIOOS) project where I actively participated in the administrative meetings and also as a research assistant focused on HAB problems. Second, in a series of projects regarding the study of HAB on Patagonia. In the latter, I participated together with a multidisciplinary group from the conception of the idea to the proposal drafting. Finally, I worked on one project called “Monitoring Program of the Main National Fisheries. Fisheries of Crustaceans of the Juan Fernández Archipelago”. My role in this project consisted on recover and analyze historical and near-real-time satellite data (chlorophyll-a, Sea Surface Temperature, winds, and geostrophic currents). For this purpose, I designed algorithms in Matlab and Bash that download the images, process, and interpolates them and ends up generating a NetCDF file. Thanks to this automation, we have been able to advance in the generation of environmental indicators that have historically affected the fishery, and in statistical analyzes to understand the impact of these variables (correlations, EOFs, Generalized Linear Models) on the lobster fisheries.

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